Ready to solve the puzzle?
Here are the details:
This challenge is to be the one to give the best option for a new name for this business. If one of your names is chosen, the reward is free branded stuff as well as a credit all over! Possibly shoutouts to you, your pet, your business, favorite org, etc. Enter as many times as you want! Okay, let’s get started!
Reason for the renaming
I’ve known for almost a year that I was going to have to rename the business due to a few factors. First, the market is fairly saturated with “NewLeaf…” From NewLeafMarketing, NewleafTeam, Newleafcreative, etc. This creates issues with standing out and for building ranking in a crowded market.
The second reason is that there are some very close and almost overlapping trademark issues. Just enough to want to move away from the competition.
What the business is
If you aren’t familiar with exactly what we are all about, check out this Letter to Current and Future Partners.
In summary, we help businesses with their marketing needs in three ways:
- Educating them on best practices, available resources, and current trends.
- Consult them on next steps to their specific marketing goals.
- Assist in the marketing creation of the needed assets.
So in short: Educate. Consult. Execute. (In that order!)
My thoughts so far
I have LOVED NewLeaf and have seen how well it is remembered by those I tell. I hate to see it go, but am 100% willing to let it. Here are the words that I feel represent the thought behind the business:
Congrats – Here’s your badge!
Once you complete the challenge, feel free to post your badge to your social media. And stay tuned to see if you’re the “New-Name Champ”. Thanks again!